
Hello and welcome to my site. Thanks for visiting!
I believe in the power behind positive thinking and mental health. There is always hope if you know where to look, so I offer hope and sometimes advice, through poetry. I hope you will enjoy my work, and that somehow it may save lives and create smiles. I really appreciate the visits to my blog. Ultimately this is here to help others. View profile for the other pages.

Monday, March 2, 2020


How do you rise up once you're so defeated,
that all of your hope, and your strength is depleted?
You love everyone and yet still feel mistreated,
the damage is done and your heart feels so cheated.

When I'm feeling lost and don’t know what to do,
if I'm sad and I'm angry I'm hurt or I'm blue.
My tears are so blinding disrupting my view,
I wipe them away but they're sticking like glue.

I scream and I fuss then I run or I crawl,
maybe drop to my knees, yes I crumble and fall.
I rock back and forth yet feel no hope at all,
so that’s when I get up I fight and stand tall.

When I'm feeling  angry, disgusted and heated,
cause hurt that I'm feeling is always repeated,
I face every challenge till they are completed,

See I am a fighter, I wont be defeated.

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